# languages Kokgraph New intent programming language Xaller Programming language to build web app easily Condo The simple solution of my programming language theory (usually I use this language to create my software) # science Kokmath Computers also can do math! Suiheisen Handmade translator # network FastSSE Bi-directional and realtime connection library works even in shared server # webservice Bazugle Another long-term memory for our brain Performance.js Tool to measure performance of JavaScript Engineer Youth SNS for youth engineers. My first full-fledged web service Diary Write how do you live. Disclose it to the next generation when you die. Knowledge Playground and anthology of works of Conway's Game of Life Codraw Draw together (using FastSSE) Chatter Tiny chat app (using FastSSE) Absurd Text editor works in browser Typecodes You can play typing game with plenty of code sent directly from Github repositories! # lowlayer 6502 Emulator My first emulator # tinytools Brahmi Input System simunicon Interactive Latex Statistics_Visualizer Num2Name